Feb 17, 2010

DSM: A tool for complexity management

Research on matrix based complexity management has come a long way. Originating from a process focus with the first published formulation of a Design Structure Matrix (DSM) by Don Steward in 1981 , a whole community has developed around this research. The DSM is able to model and analyze dependencies of one single type within one single domain. For a product, e.g. the domain “components” can be regarded.

The figure shows a simple process consisting of six tasks that are shown as a flow chart on the right hand side and a DSM representing that process on the left hand side. There are numerous algorithms to analyze the overall structure of the relationships within a DSM, e.g. tearing, banding and partitioning, or the analysis for different structural properties (see DSM tutorial).

Figures: Actually the figures makes all this make sense. The website does an excellent job at making this confusing and mind-boggling as much as possible. Who in the world explains DSM in two paragraphs? lol.... he he... But that's right, because I can do it... pshhh...