Dec 28, 2012

Business Process

Businesses have to work together to survive/prosper. One of the biggest challenges any business faces is connecting with customers, partners, and practically the supply chain. Traditionally, this was achieved by papers being faxed, signed, and moved around. The practice of physically moving papers around was time consuming, not to mention inefficient, and led to delays. 

Thankfully the advent of computer networks has significantly facilitated routine tasks. Such tasks are automated, and achieved by software integration suites such as IBM Sterling Integration ( formerly known as Gentran). This software suite includes a modeler which is made for creating, managing, and monitoring activities These tasks are achieved by the modeling a series a activities, that when put together, achieve a desired activity. We call that a Business Process.

My next process will look closer into the world of Business Processes. For now, I will leave you with a valuable resource. Visit the to engage yourself in the community of people who deal with B2B integration.